762-235-2700 1825 Martha Berry Blvd NE, Rome, GA 8am - 5pm, Monday through Friday

Surgical Procedures

Many conditions in the elbow can be treated without surgical intervention.  In some cases, however, surgery is required.  Dr. Bushnell performs many different procedures in the elbow.

Elbow Arthroscopy

Elbow arthroscopy is a procedure in which the surgeon places a small video camera into the elbow joint for diagnostic purposes or to guide an interventional procedure.  This camera can show the important structures of the elbow joint, such as the cartilage on the surface of the bones, the ligaments, the tendons, and even the nerves near the elbow.  Using the camera, the surgeon can clean the joint out, repair cartilage injuries, remove bone spurs or cartilage fragments, repair or clean out damaged tendons, or other procedures.

For more information about Elbow Arthroscopy, please visit:

Elbow Arthroscopy


Biceps Tendon Repair

The biceps tendon can tear at its insertion at the elbow as a result of a sports injury or an accident.  Often, this injury occurs when a person is lifting a heavy object or if the elbow is hyper-extended.  A tear of the biceps tendon at the elbow, if not treated with surgical repair, can result in deformity of the muscle, weakness, and loss of function.  Dr. Bushnell performs biceps tendon repair using the Biceps Button technique, which involves a small incision on the front of the elbow.

For more information about Biceps Tendon Repair, please visit:

Biceps Tendon Tear at the Elbow

Distal Biceps Tendon Repair Using the Biceps Button and Tension Slide Technique (Video)